Estimate of cumulation of chosen metals in forb rich forest subaliances of Dentario glandulosae-Fagenionon the differential anthropogenic protected terrains

Estimate of cumulation of chosen metals in forb rich forest subaliances of Dentario glandulosae-Fagenionon the differential anthropogenic protected terrains


The aim of the research was to present the cumulation of metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cr) in a forest stand of a forb-rich beechwood and evaluation of danger for researched ecosystems caused by metalize dust. The researches were taken in 10 differential anthropogenic areas: 9 nature reserves („Segiet”, „Parkowe”, „Smoleń”, „Cisów”, „Wykus”, „Świnia Góra”, „Perzowa Góra”, „Zamczysko”, „Pazurek”) and 1 nature-landscape complex “Repty Park and Drama Valley”.
The metals were marked by Atomic Absorption Spectometry method. The results from the 0–10 cm surface soil samples were shown.
The results of the researches show that the elements contents in researched areas from Świętokrzyskie Mountains do accumulate analyzed elements in extent that are suitable for plants. It can be accounted as a model for similar researches and confirmed metals concentrations could be concerned as natural and consequent of physiological trees’ requests.

Sosnowski’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden., Apiaceae) at the foot of Zelejowa Mountain in the Chęciny commune (Małopolska Upland)

Sosnowski’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden., Apiaceae) at the foot of Zelejowa Mountain in the Chęciny commune (Małopolska Upland)


Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. (Sosnowski’s hogweed) is an invasive alien species, which is native to flora of Caucasus. It was brought into Poland in the mid-Fifties of the 20th century and it was cultivated as pasturage for cattle in holding of whole country. Unfortunately, a negative impact of the species on environment has been observed. Although its tillage was stopped, the species still spontaneously appeared on new locations.
Nowadays this phenomenon is still up to date.
In course of floristic studies conducted in year 2009 detailed siting of Sosnowski’s hogweed on new location was fixed. Population was divided into respective aggregations. Number of individuals in every cluster was counted. On selection area phytosociological record (relevé) using Braun-Blanquet’s method were completed for presenting type of community with H. sosnowskyi at the station.
New  locality  is  situated  at  the  foot  of  Zelejowa  Mountain  in  the  Chęciny  commune (Małopolska Upland), (fig. 1a). Within confines of population of Sosnowski’s hogweed 8 aggregations along a road to an inactive quarry have been distinguished (fig. 1b). There are around 500 individuals of the species. The least numerous cluster counts 3 individuals (cluster number 7), the most numerous aggregation counts around 400 individuals (aggregation number 5), (fig. 2). In the whole the population contains 300 generative and 200 vegetative forms (fig. 3). On the investigated area H. sosnowskyi grows in synathropic communities of class Artemisietea vulgarisand in seminatural communities of the class Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei. Dynamism of population of the species threaten to natural and economic environment of the Chęciny commune. Thus, there is a requirement to top off a right performance to eliminate or cut down an abundance of Sosnowski’s hogweed in this area.



Protected fungi of Geastrum genus in the Świętokrzyskie Mts

 Protected fungi of Geastrum genus in the Świętokrzyskie Mts



The genus of Geastrumin the Świętokrzyskie Mts is represented by 10 species, amongst which there are very rare species such as Geastrum berkeleyi and G. elegansso far known in Poland from the single localities. Geastrumfungi prefer the thermophilous localities, but they can also be found in the natural, anthropogenic, forest and open communities. In general they occur on the light soils, and often on the sandy calcareous soils.

Analysis of changes in particular tree species volume in forests of Świętokrzyski National Park

Analysis of changes in particular tree species volume in forests of Świętokrzyski National Park

Łukasz Grzeszczyk, Franciszek Woch


This paper contains estimation of changes in tree species volume in forests of Świętokrzyski National Park, in the period of last 25 years.
For good comparison of results and estimation of trends, the investigations in 2010 have
been made on the same areas as in 1985. The whole investigated area has been divided into 20 m x 20 m squares. Each square has been then divided into four 10 m x 10 m squares – for better work performance.
On the areas, detailed measurements of tree parameters – girth and height of trunk, for all standing trees (alive and dead ones) have been made and the volume of trunk has been calculated. The measurements and calculation have been made for year 2010 and 1985.
The  results  of  investigations  shows,  that  volume  of  particular  species  in  forests  of Świętokrzyski National Park have changed. Loss of fir is greater than loss of beech. The renewal of fir is decreasing, but the renewal of beech is increasing.

Analysis of changes in populations of European beaver (Castor fiber) in the Świętokrzyski National Park

Analysis of changes in populations of European beaver (Castor fiber) in the Świętokrzyski National Park

Daniel Gałek, Franciszek Woch


This paper presents the evaluation of changes in populations of European beaver Castor fiberin the last 20-year period in the Świętokrzyski National Park. Beaver population inventory data from 1992 to 2009 were taken from the Chronicles of the Świętokrzyski National Park. However, in 2010, studies were performed independently by Daniel Gałek, a co-author of the study. Inventories were carried out in May 2010 on the Czarna Woda and Lubrzanka rivers flowing through the Park.
The number of families of beavers was established by locating the nesting burrows, winter storage, scent mounds, and the intensity of feeding. This was based on field observations and interviews with the employees of ŚNP. Precise localizations of the described positions were conducted with the use of the Garmin 12 GPS device. These places were indicated on the attached maps. For each of the described position, a photographic and a descriptive documentation were made.
The studies have shown 8 posts of beaver families on the Czarna Woda River and one on the Lubrzanka river. At Świętokrzyski National Park, a systematic increase in the number of European beaver since the introduction in 1992 to 32 individuals in 2010 has been found, and the abundance of its population in the last 4 years has been stable. Park area is filled with an adequate number of individuals to the habitat possibilities.