The vegetation cover of the proposed reserve – „Skarbowa Góra” on the Gielniowski Hummock (Małopolska Upland)

 The vegetation cover of the proposed reserve – „Skarbowa Góra” on the Gielniowski Hummock (Małopolska Upland)

 Monika Podgórska


The Gielniowski Hummock mesoregion is situated in the northern part of the sub-province of the Małopolska Upland. The area is of upland-type comprising rhaetoliassic sandstones covered by post-glacial formations. The natural vegetation is formed chiefly by forests – primarily the coniferous forest communities, as well as acidophilous
oak forests and acidophilous beech forests – which cover over 70% of the surface area. The forest community, which is very rare in the study area and – because of this fact – worthy protection, is the fertile beech forest – it occurs only in one place in the Gielniowski Hummock – on the Skarbowa Góra hill.
Proposed reserve „Skarbowa Góra” is situated in the south-eastern part of the Gielniowski Hummock, between Łazy and Skarżysko Książęce town (Fig. 1) and it covers 120 ha area. To show characteristic features of the vegetation cover of proposed reserve „Skarbowa Góra” a full floristic list as well as phytosociological records (relevés) using Braun-Blanquet’s method have been made.
The most significant natural values of the vegetation cover of this site include:
– the fertile Carpathian beech forest (Table 1) – Skarbowa Góra hill is the sole station of this community in the whole mesoregion area;
–110 species of vascular plant flora with protected and mountainous species (Table 2),
– some of the mountainous species (e.g. Allium ursinum L. – Fig. 2) are very rare – because of its geographical range – elements of vascular flora in the Gielniowski Hummock and the Małopolska Upland (Fig. 3).
The presented values are the significant argument for placing the surroundings of Skarbowa Góra under protection as the reserve.

Urban parameters and indicators and the shaping of urban structure and cityscape on the example of Hajnówka

 Urban parameters and indicators and the shaping of urban structure and cityscape on the example of Hajnówka

 Halina Łapińska


Proper development of the city is about maintaining a balance of three constituent groups: social, natural and cultural (material) environment. Both structures, natural and material, in a harmonious way of intermingling with each other, underlie the development of an urban community. It is important to ensure that existing natural resources, creating urban ecosystem, function properly. This is a primary goal of urban planning.
Study of conditions and directions of spatial development of the city is the first planning document shaping the space in which people live. In the study we can find parameters and indicators concerning the management and the use of land. There are also specified the minimum and maximum parameters and indicators of architectural and urban planning, taking into account the requirements of spatial order. These requirements can be found later in the local plans. The regulation is clear that the study should be designed in a less detailed way, and the values and numbers should be specified on the stage of preparing the local plan.
Spatial policy of a town development should therefore be the concern of the authorities responsible for the shape of urban space. That is why the substantive quality of the studies, the accuracy of diagnosis and the spatial strategy is of great importance

Characteristics of vegetation season in Szymbark in the period 1968–2009

 Characteristics of vegetation season in Szymbark in the period 1968–2009

 Małgorzata Kijowska


The paper presents the characteristics of the vegetation season in Szymbark based on the average daily air temperature recorded at the Research Station in Szymbark, IG&SO PAS, in the period 1968–2009. Based on the five-day consecutive curve and 6 degree polynomial offset curve, the dates of passing the threshold value of air temperature of 5 °C were determined. The data obtained were analyzed statistically and classified into 5 classes on the start date, end date, duration and temperature, basing on standard deviation values. The number of years in an individual class allow to calculate the occurrence frequency of vegetation periods of a specific type, attributed to a given class. The average duration of vegetation season was 222 days (varied from 174 to 250 days). Growing season average started on March 31 and ended on November 6 and it had tends to end later about 0,8 day per 10 years and about 0,7 days per years elongate the duration of growing season. The average temperature during the growing season was 13,3 °C and had an upward trend (r = 0,59). It was found that the increase in average annual air temperature by 1 °C will extend the growing season by 9,5 day. The highest percentage in class D, with late the end of vegetation, long period and warm growing season may be a reference to the observed upward trend in air temperature, indicating a warming climate.

Assessment of episodic acidification intensity in streams during snowmelt in the Łysogóry Range (Świętokrzyskie Mts.)

Assessment of episodic acidification intensity in streams during snowmelt in the Łysogóry Range (Świętokrzyskie Mts.)

Marek Jóźwiak, Krzysztof Jarzyna, Mirosław Szwed


Monitoring of the dynamics of the snow cover chemistry was undertaken in the Łysogóry Range (Świętokrzyskie Mts.) in winters 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. An episodic acidification of the stream waters during snowmelt episodes was discovered. The acidification episodes were similar to these observed in the Scandinavia, New England mountains and the Rocky Mountains. An intensity of the process was dependent on the load of the analyzed ions in the snow cover and the course of the snowmelt.

A few problem climate change on the world

Journal of Świętokrzyskie Mountains Region

Series B – Natural Sciences

2009, No 30, 85-97


 Stanislaw Sala


Key words: greenhouse effect, paleoclimatology


This article presents a few problems caused by the change of the climate in the world which are an inherent part of the earth history. In the Paleozoic era there were two glacial cycles. Thirst cycle occured in the Carelian period while second glacial cycle took place in wend period. Era Glacial cycles were in the next eras such as Mesozoic, Paleozoic. Warm periods separated hot periods. Nowadays greenhouse effect has been considered to be the main reason for changing climate. The main problem of the change of the climate is the role of CO2, NH4, in it. Besides, it is not known in what way the climate has influanced the changes in earth solar activity, speed rotary, cosmic dust, spreading bottom ocean, volcanic eruption, orogenic processes and changes in the earth pole.