Rating accumulation of selected heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd) in the plant material beech wood communities – Dentario Glandulosae – Fagenionin protected areas of various human impact

Rating accumulation of selected heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd) in the plant material beech wood communities – Dentario Glandulosae – Fagenionin protected areas of various human impact


The aim of the research was to present the cumulation of metals (Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd) in a forest stand of a forb-rich beechwood and evaluation of danger for researched ecosystems caused by metalize dust. The researches were taken in 10 differential anthropogenic areas: 9 nature reserves (“Segiet”, “Parkowe”, “Smoleń”, “Cisów”, “Wykus”, “Świnia Góra”, “Perzowa Góra”, “Zamczysko”, “Pazurek”) and 1 nature-landscape complex “Repty Park and Drama Valley”.
The metals were marked by Atomic Absorption Spectometry method. The results of the measurements of the samples taken from the plant material Fagus sylvaticaL.
The results of the researches show that the elements contents in researched areas from Świętokrzyskie Mountains do accumulate analyzed elements in extent that are suitable for plants. It can be accounted as a model for similar researches and confirmed metals concentrations could be concerned as natural and consequent of physiological trees’ requests.

Contribution to the knowledge of antimycotic properties of anthraquinone and usnic acid from Xantoria parietinaTh. Fr. and Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. thallus

Contribution to the knowledge of antimycotic properties of anthraquinone and usnic acid from Xantoria parietinaTh. Fr. and Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. thallus


Secondary metabolites of lichens are the result of complex metabolic patterns which occur in thallus of the organisms which are the individual type of interspecies relations which are the result of coexistence of hyphe mycelium and algal cells. Metabolic activity of both components leads to complex chemical compounds with specific properties. Secondary lichen metabolites which are incorrectly named lichen acids are chemically and functionally diversified group of organic compounds. The classification proposed by Asahina and Shiba (1954) divides them into two groups, that is aliphatic and aromatic compound, among which antraquinone is counted. The study which will be carried out aim at showing fungicidal properties of both compounds and the possibility of their usage against saprophytic storage fungi, which are a serious hazard during food storage. The trial of the antimyciotic effectiveness of usnic acid and antraquinone commonly present in lichen thallus, such as Xantoria parietina and Hypogymnia physodes gives the possibility of their usage as preservatives in place of those used nowadays which have numerous health side effects.

Microbiological air pollution in central part of Swietokrzyskie Mountains

Microbiological air pollution in central part of Swietokrzyskie Mountains


The aim of the described experiment was the microbiological analysis of the air filters. The filters were monthly placed in APSA370 analizator in Monitoring Station of the Department of Environment Protection and Modelling Jan Kochanowski University on Saint Cross in the Swietokrzyskie Mountains. Studies was carried out during the period from winter and summer. All samples was incubated on various microbiological media under different growth conditions. The isolated bacterial strains were taxonomic different. The strains was classified by Gram staining and biochemical tests. Most of bacteria was classified as mesophilic heterotrophs. Presented results confirmed that air filters are the useful materials to isolate microorganisms which could possess some unique factors for adapt to environment. Also air filters can be used to metagenomic analysis of microorganisms transferred by air flowing on large heights.

16S rRNA sequences used to identification of bacterial DNA isolated from various materials

16S rRNA sequences used to identification of bacterial DNA isolated from various materials


The aim of this study was the genetic analysis of two different material. The whole DNA was isolated from the air filter, located in Integrated Environmental Monitoring Station on Swiety Krzyz in the Swietokrzyskie Mountains. The second sample of whole DNA was obtained from sludge. Total DNA was extracted by two method – temperature
isolation and column isolation kit. Genetic analysis revealed presence only Eubacteria. The confirmation of the presence of Archaeacan be possible during further optimization of the used techniques. Presented results confirmed that air filters and sludge are the useful materials to isolate bacterial DNA to identification and to look for microorganisms which could possess some unique factors for adapt to environment. Air filters or sludge can be use
to metagenomic analysis of microorganisms present in different environment, especially to the identification of uncultured bacteria from environment.

The most important toxic elements of animal vemons

The most important toxic elements of animal vemons


A lot of animal venoms is a complex mixture of structurally complicated compounds. Detailed data on the composition of the venoms, the chemical structure of components and their mechanisms of action allow for effective medical treatment in cases of intoxication. The study of toxins form biochemical and biophysical standpoint also allows characterization of receptors in cells and tissues (Ravdin, Darwin, 1979; Bradley et al., 2001; Hille, 2001, Smith et al., 2004). Toxins act in an antagonistic manner with respect to the endogenous physiological controls, thus disturbing the operation of the system, organ or the whole organism. The high specificity of toxin action manifests itself in many cases with the competitive nature of their antagonism towards endogenous compounds (mediators).