Role of active sludge in the reduction of inorganic pollutants on the example of the sewage treatment plant in Suchedniów

Role of active sludge in the reduction of inorganic pollutants on the example of the sewage treatment plant in Suchedniów


Poland acceding to the European Union has been obliged to perform directive requirements of Council Decision of 91/271/EEC from 21 May 1991 concerning the urban waste water treatment (Dz. Urz. WE L 135 from 30.05.1991, p. 40–52, with further amendment; Official Journal, Polish special edition, chapter 15, volume 002, p. 26) according
to terms set out in negotiations and written in the accession treaty and interim periods. Therefore a National Program of the Urban Waste Water Treatment was created (KPOŚK) according to modernizations and reconstructions of old buildings or construction of new sewage treatment plants are being led. It put emphasis for removing biodesintegrated associations in amount 95% of cargo of pollutants supplied to the sewage treatment plant
what extorting applying biological processes as the fundamental element of the technological arrangement. With one of solutions constitutes active sludge which building different micro-organisms, adapted for the environment and the kind of removed substances. In mechanically-biological sewage treatment plant reactors of active sludge adapted to increased degree of removing from sewage compound of carbons, nitrogen and phosphorus are applied in Suchedniów, what the reduction in such parameters of the quality of sewages is taking place as BOD5, nitrates and phosphates thanks to.