The impact of health education on lifestyle high school students
Revision of the curriculum aims to achieve better learning outcomes than ever before to protect human health and the environment. Previous studies justify the desirability of a holistic approach to health education. It turns out that in Poland, economic growth does not translate into the development of civilization (Kleer et al., 2011), is at least not as fast as materially wealthy man. This confirms the above analysis of the results of high school students.
Despite the announced strategy of education for sustainable development and the duration of the Decade of Education for the sustainable development, the awareness of citizens’ health and human environment (Seroka-Stolka, 2011) is still not too high:
– physical activity of students, despite the many treatments and educational reform educational system is still not popular;
– secondary school students do not respect the basic principles of healthy eating, often
consume alcohol and high percentage does not always cope with stressful situations;
– studies have shown a surprisingly low level of personal hygiene among girls in secondary
schools compared to their peers.