Assessment of air pollution along highways using bioindicators

Assessment of air pollution along highways using bioindicators


Contemporary analysis of pollution is based on bioindication methods. Living organisms, mainly lichens, are tests used in environmental methods. Biotest reactions consist on visible micro- and macroscopic morphological and anatomic changes. Visible reactions lead to disorders in reproduction and what follows spreading of population of tested species.
Drastic nature of environmental changes leads to withdrawing of species from areas previously occupied and the reason of withdrawing can be changes in the vegetative reproduction structures of examined biotests.
The aim of the research was to show changes in the amount and morphological structure of labial soralia of Hypogymnia physodesasas a result of transport pollution accumulation (local road 73 and S7 motorway) and the role of acoustic screens in spreading pollutions emitted by motor vehicles. In the research, active bioindication method was used. Results obtained showed significant decrease in the amount of labial sorallia. After six-month exposition there was 47% of sorallia left in the transplants in front of the screen along 73 road, 62% behind the screen and 26% in the transplants in front of the screen along S7 motorway and 47% behind the screen in relation to test samples.
Accumulation of heavy metals examined in thallus of bioindicators is shown in order: Zn>Cr>Co>Pb>Cd behind the screen Zn>Cr>Pb>Co>Cd in front of the screen. Colour changes in areas of labial soralia are: blackening in which EDX analyzer showed the presence of Co, Pb and Cd, whitening with the presence of Pb and Cd and browning with the presence of Co, Zn, Pb, and Cd. All the elements mentioned were found in samples of transplants exposed in front of and behind the screen.

Macroscopic changes in vegetative organs of mosses Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. under the influence of traffic pollution

Macroscopic changes in vegetative organs of mosses Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. under the influence of traffic pollution


Bioinication provides a number of efforts to determine the changes that have occurred in the environment.
Bioindication method is commonly use in monitoring of industrial and communication pollutions.
The aim of this study was to demonstrate the macro- and microscopic changes, which occurred under the influence of traffic pollution. As bioinicator was used mosses Pleurozium schreberi(Brid.) Mitt.
The research consist in transplantation of turf of gametophytes of Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt from clear places to set research points located along motorways and after threemonth exposition and then Pleurozium schreberiafter three-month exposition estimation of the range, type and number of macro- and microscopic changes and after six months examining of the amount of heavy metals in organisms.
It was found that the microscopic changes consist in damage in the middle part of leaf blade, ribs and the base of leaf blade and in damage to leaf blade itself. The highest concentration of zinc, copper and chrome was observed.
It was shown that using Pleurozium schreberiin environmental monitoring with the use of transplantation methods is fully justified. Demonstrated macroscopic changes show sensitivity of bioindicator, and heavy metal concentration shows its accumulative qualities

Microscopic changes in thalluses of lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. depending on the distance from the source of spot emission

Microscopic changes in thalluses of lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. depending on the distance from the source of spot emission


Industrial development leads to the increased emission of environmental toxins. Organisms known as bioindicators react to them. The drastic reaction in the organisms of bioindicators is so much visible that it is necessary to take effective steps to prevent and/or minimalize the influence of environmental toxins on biotic part of the ecosystem. Their bioindicative effectiveness is the result of specific structure, the way moistness is absorbed, accumulation of pollutions inside thallus and universality of their presence and easiness of sample acquiring. Bioindicator Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. was used in research. Transplantation method that is transplanting lichens from clear area (Borecka Forest ) to areas polluted with anthropogenic factors used allowed to estimate the distance of toxin influence analyzing the number and the kinds of damages of lichen thallus depending on the distance from the source of spot emission. Stereoscopic microscope Nikon SMZ 1500 was used in the research with NIS-Elements BR programme and light microscope Nikon A2100. Biological analysis of the chosen samples showed changes in the condition of transplanted lichen thallus. Negative changes in their condition are colouring, crumbling and deformations of rosettes of thallus. The aim of the research was the analysis of microscopic changes in thallus of the transplanted lichen in diversified distance from the source of spot emission and analysis of severity of microscopic changes in lichen thallus depending on the distance from the source of spot emissionable. Park area is filled with an adequate number of individuals to the habitat possibilities.

The toxicity of aluminium environmental challenge (reviev of literature)

The toxicity of aluminium environmental challenge (reviev of literature)


This work covers a brief description of aluminium, its presence in minerals and the contents in litosphere and the soil on the background of other elements.Here are presented the elements of environment (atmospheric, aquatic, soil, biosphere and organism of a human) taking into consideration the presence of aluminium and its toxic influence.There is a need of carrying on research in the field of the presence of aluminium in environment in relation to the universality of usage in many areas of life.

Role of active sludge in the reduction of inorganic pollutants on the example of the sewage treatment plant in Suchedniów

Role of active sludge in the reduction of inorganic pollutants on the example of the sewage treatment plant in Suchedniów


Poland acceding to the European Union has been obliged to perform directive requirements of Council Decision of 91/271/EEC from 21 May 1991 concerning the urban waste water treatment (Dz. Urz. WE L 135 from 30.05.1991, p. 40–52, with further amendment; Official Journal, Polish special edition, chapter 15, volume 002, p. 26) according
to terms set out in negotiations and written in the accession treaty and interim periods. Therefore a National Program of the Urban Waste Water Treatment was created (KPOŚK) according to modernizations and reconstructions of old buildings or construction of new sewage treatment plants are being led. It put emphasis for removing biodesintegrated associations in amount 95% of cargo of pollutants supplied to the sewage treatment plant
what extorting applying biological processes as the fundamental element of the technological arrangement. With one of solutions constitutes active sludge which building different micro-organisms, adapted for the environment and the kind of removed substances. In mechanically-biological sewage treatment plant reactors of active sludge adapted to increased degree of removing from sewage compound of carbons, nitrogen and phosphorus are applied in Suchedniów, what the reduction in such parameters of the quality of sewages is taking place as BOD5, nitrates and phosphates thanks to.